Every year, the associations from the Phenix and Dragon School organize a great Summer Camp in the South of France.

The summer camp takes place over a week early July, in a beautiful campsite in Ardèche, with energizing waking-ups, Qi Gong, Taiji Quan and Kung Fu classes every day. For the kids, two Kung Fu classes are offered every morning.

Combine the practice of Chinese martial arts and Qi Gong with a relaxing holiday in a beautiful region


Depending on the year, we have:

  • External : Tang Lang, Broad Sword, Sword, Light Saber
  • Styles Internes : Meditation, Taiji Wudang, Qi Gong Hu Yuan Gong, Daoyin Yangsheng Gong, Stretching, Taiji fan
  • Two Kung Fu classes (45mn) are offered every morning for kids >5-6 years old, and teenagers, to learn basic techniques, but above all to learn how to use and channel their energy, while having fun !
  • Possibility to mix internal and external ways or even to stay home if too tired! There is a day of rest, with the possibility to visit the surrounding or just enjoy the facilities from the campsite (swimming pool, sport activities, tree climbing, …).

Do not hesitate to contact us ! Ah ! And all the instructors speak English (one of them even manage to speak some Norwegian).


Each year we book several cottages for 4/6 people in the Capfun Imbourg campsite, in Larnas in Ardèche (30min from the Gorges de l’Ardèche and Vallon Pont d’Arc).

The campsite is located near historical and natural sites such as the famous Pont d’Arc or the Chauvet Cave, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site ! You can discover the cultural and natural heritage of the Ardèche, and let yourself be tempted by a descent of the Gorges de l’Ardèche in canoe or a stroll in its numerous villages of character, such as Vallon Pont d’Arc or Saint-Montan.

You can book either your own cottage, or just a place in a cottage shared with other participant(s). You can also chose to skip the campsite and find accommodation in the area.

The Domaine d’Imbours has 2 large water areas with swimming pools, sensational slides and paddling pools, which will satisfy both young and older. In the evening, those who wish to do so, can find diverse and varied shows…

Kids even have a babysitter on-site !



Ming YUE

  • In 2024, we have the great privilege to welcome the Taoist monk Ming Yue.
  • Ming Yue is a fighting monk who grew up in the famous Taoist Mountains of Wudang.
  • Immersed in the practice of Taoist martial arts since a young age, he excels in the internal arts of Qi Gong, Taiji Quan, Xingyi Quan and Bagua Zhang, both with bare hands and with weapons.
  • He practiced for many years with the famous master Tian Li Yun, 15th generation heir of the XuanWu style of Wudang, whose disciple he became at the age of 15.
  • Now heir to the 16th generation of Wudang XuanWu, in 2012 he opened his own school, Xuan Wu Gongfu, with his fellow student Liu Song.
  • There he teaches martial arts and Taoist practice according to the principles of Taiji and Tao, the two founding elements of Wudang culture.

PRICE and registration

Ask us (phenixetdragon@gmail.com) for more information !

We hope to see you in the Ardèche next summer, and until then, we wish you a great sporting season !

If you wish, you can have a look at the summaries of the last summercamps: